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Only SmarterApp content updated in 2020 and after should be considered current and accurate. If you plan to use, are looking for specific information, or have any questions about content on this site, please contact us at

SmarterApp is a community of organizations devoted to collaboration on an open software suite for the support of educational assessment. The project is used by but is not exclusive to the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium.

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28 Jun 2024: ISAAP Feature Codes

Smarter Balanced has released an update to the ISAAP Feature Codes document. Three new Accommodation categories have been added: Print on Demand with Color Contrast, Raised-line Drawings/Tactile Graphics, and Speed-to-Text in Spanish (for Math short-answer items). One new Designated Support has been added: Text-to-speech for responses to short-answer items (ELA and Math). The document is found here.

14 Sep 2023: ISAAP Feature Codes

Smarter Balanced has released an update to the ISAAP Feature Codes document. Translated Test Directions in ASL, and Printed Test Directions in English have been added. The document is found here.

26 Apr 2023: QTI 3.0 Implementation Guide

Smarter Balanced has released an update to the QTI 3.0 Implementation Guide. The guide and related resources, inlcuding the set of certified items, are found here.

05 Apr 2023: QTI 3.0 Implementation Guide

Smarter Balanced has released an update to the QTI 3.0 Implementation Guide. Information on the implementation details regarding stimulus content as an audio slideshow has been added to the guide.

31 Jan 2022: QTI 3.0 Implementation Guide

Smarter Balanced has released a QTI 3.0 Implementation Guide. The guide and related resources, inlcuding the set of certified items, are found here.

27 Oct 2021: QTI 3.0 Certification Set

Smarter Balanced has released a QTI 3.0 certification set of items. The content and related resources are found here.

30 Jul 2020: Implementation Readiness Resource List Released

Smarter Balanced has released an Implementation Readiness Resource List. The list is now available here.

24 Apr 2020: Administration and Registration Tools (ART) User Guide Update

Smarter Balanced has updated the Administration and Registration Tools (ART) User Guide. The updated version is now available here.

14 Apr 2020: Test Result Transmission Format Update

Smarter Balanced has updated the Test Result Transmission Format specification. The updated version is now available here.

29 May 2018: ISAAP Accessibility Feature Codes

Smarter Balanced has added an update to the ISAAP Feature Codes that includes the Burmese glossary and Illustration glossary codes.

25 Apr 2018: Secure Browsers

Smarter Balanced has released new versions of the open source secure browser on the following platforms:

09 May 2017: Test Results Data Model

Smarter Balanced has posted an update to the Test Results Data Model. The update adds the optional Filipino ethnicity field.

09 May 2017: Test Result Transmission Format Update

Smarter Balanced has updated the Test Result Transmission Format specification. The updated version is now available here.

13 Apr 2017: Test Result Transmission Format Update

Smarter Balanced has updated the Test Result Transmission Format specification. The updated version is now available here.

07 Mar 2017: Test Result Transmission Format Update

Smarter Balanced has updated the Test Result Transmission Format specification. The updated version is now available here.

16 Feb 2017: SmarterApp Assessment Item Format Update

Smarter Balanced has updated the SmarterApp Assessment item format specification. The updated version is now available here.

16 Feb 2017: Item Packaging Specification

Smarter Balanced has updated the item packaging specification. The updated version is now available here.

18 Nov 2016: Scoring Specification Updates

Smarter Balanced has updated the scoring specifications. The updated version is now available here.

10 Nov 2016: Accessibility Configuration File Specification

Smarter Balanced has released a draft copy of the Accessibility Configuration File Specification.

03 Nov 2016: Item Types and Embedded Accessibility Features

Smarter Balanced has released the Smarter Balanced Item Types and Accessibility Features overview. This summary provides detailed descriptions and screen shots of every item interaction type and embedded accessibility feature used in Smarter Balanced assessments.

02 Nov 2016: UEB Braille Transition Technical Framework

Smarter Balanced has posted Technical Framework: UEB Braille Transition. This specification indicates how different braille codings will be supported during the transition from EBAE braille to UEB braille.

Concurrently, Smarter Balanced has updated the ISAAP Accessibility Feature Codes to make matching updates to the ISAAP braille codes.

23 Sep 2016: Implementation Readiness Package (IRP) download link update

Smarter Balanced has updated the download link to the latest Implementation Readiness Package (IRP). The download link can be found on the IRP Test Package page.

02 Sep 2016: Performance Report for the May 2016 Release of the Open Source Test Delivery System

Smarter Balanced is pleased to release a report on the performance of the May 2016 release of the open source Test Delivery System (TDS). This release increases capacity from 20,000 to 50,000 concurrent students, is faster and more responsive, and deployment and configuration have been dramatically improved.

01 Sep 2016: Evaluation Reports for the 2015 Release of the Open Source Test Delivery System

Smarter Balanced has released three reports evaluating the open source Test Delivery System (TDS) released by Smarter Balanced in 2015 as compared with the requirements of the RFP. Fairway Technologies produced these reports under a competitive bid contract with Smarter Balanced.

The development of the 2016 release of the TDS software has been informed by these evaluations and it includes substantial improvements in all three areas.

16 Aug 2016: ISAAP Accessibility Feature Codes

Smarter Balanced has added a minor update to the ISAAP Feature Codes by specifying that the Item Tools Menu should default to the ON code (TDS_ITM1).

04 Aug 2016: Test Results Reporting Requirements Supplement

Smarter Balanced has provided a supplement to the test results reporting requirements. The supplemental document is available here.

02 Aug 2016: Scoring Specification Updates

Smarter Balanced has updated the scoring specifications. The updated version is now available here. Updates, including the options available for the use of HOSS/LOSS, are noted in the change log at the end of the document.

01 Aug 2016: DataWarehouse Updates

Smarter Balanced has updated specs and documentation regarding the Reporting Data Warehouse:

Data Warehouse Data Specification - Student Assessments
Data Warehouse Data Specification - Score Batching
Data Warehouse - Data Model
Data Warehouse - Runbook

21 Jul 2016: TRT Updates

Smarter Balanced has updated the Test Results Transmission (TRT) format specification document by changing certain fields from required to optional consistent with their designation in the Data Dictionary and Logical Data Model.

13 Jul 2016: ISAAP Feature Codes Added

Smarter Balanced has added new feature codes to the ISAAP Accessibility Feature Codes document. The new codes are:

See the Revision History in the document for details.

08 Jul 2016: ISAAP Feature Codes Specification Updated

Smarter Balanced has updated the ISAAP Accessibility Feature Codes with a correction to the legacy braille codes. See the Revision History in the document for details.

30 Jun 2016: Item Types and Accessibility Features Updated

Smarter Balanced has updated the Item Types and Accessibility Features summary to include details about all three variants of Grid Item.

29 Jun 2016: Source code on GitHub

Smarter Balanced has completed the migration of all source code repositories from BitBucket to GitHub. Visit the Source Code page for more details and important developer information.

08 Jun 2016: Test Results Data Model

Smarter Balanced has posted an update to the Test Results Data Model. The update corrects the acceptable values for EconomicDisadvantageStatus. See the change log at the beginning of the document for details.

07 Jun 2016: Test Package Format Specifications

Smarter Balanced and Fairway Technologies are pleased to release specifications to the following test package formats:

06 Jun 2016: Test Delivery System enhancements, Documentation and Hosting Requirements

Smarter Balanced and Fairway Technologies are pleased to release updates to the SmaterApp test delivery software that incorporates the final set of performance improvements. Along with the code updates is documentation to assist in deploying the various components that comprise the shared services and test delivery system and revised hosting requirements information.

Source Code Repository

Deployment Checklist

Hosting Requirements

Hosting Cost Calculator

Updated repositories

Student Application

Test Delivery System Database Access

Test Delivery System / Proctor

Item Renderer

Administration and Registration Tools

Test Integration System

New component

Test Delivery System Router

26 May 2016: Test Results Data Model

Smarter Balanced has posted an update to the Test Results Data Model. The update corrects the Claim2 and Claim3 score and SEM references for AIR data elements, specifically for ELA scores.

26 May 2016: Item Metadata Specification

Smarter Balanced has posted an update to the Item Metadata Specification. The update adds a new element <IrtStatDomain> to the IrtDimension hierarchy.

18 May 2016: Test Authoring User Guide

Smarter Balanced has posted the Test Authoring User Guide in the User Guides and Manuals section of SmarterApp.

14 May 2016: ARI Prototype

Smarter Balanced has posted the Accessible Rendered Item (ARI) Prototype including source code, technical specification, and software requirements. See the ARI Page and the ARI Prototype Page for details.

01 Apr 2016: Test Results Data Dictionary, ISAAP Codes, Reporting User Guide

Smarter Balanced has posted several new and updated documents in the last few days.

09 Feb 2016: Test Results - Data Dictionary and Data Model Update

Smarter Balanced has updated the Test Results - Data Dictionary and Logical Data Model specification to match the requirements for reporting summative test data in for the Spring 2016 summative test administration.

27 Jan 2016: Test Delivery System Interim Performance Release

Smarter Balanced and Fairway Technologies are pleased to release an update to the SmarterApp test delivery software that incorporates an initial set of performance improvements. The source code will be updated this week. The Accompanying Performance Report is immediately available and indicates that this release achieves a 75% improvement in concurrent student capacity.

20 Jan 2016: Reporting-Data Warehouse Software Update

The source code to the Reporting and Data Warehouse system was updated on January 14, 2016. This update includes the following new features:

Smarter Balanced presently has two open technology RFPs: Reporting-Data Warehouse and Test Delivery System. The proposal due date for both of these RFPs has been extended to February 8, 2016. Interested parties should browse to the University of California Public Bid Site and search for “Smarter Balanced”.

05 Jan 2016: Secure Browsers for Spring 2016

The secure browsers for testing in Spring 2016 are available for download from the Smarter Balanced FTP site. These browsers correspond to the open source test delivery system. Smarter Balanced members should consult their service provider regarding the appropriate secure browser.

05 Jan 2016: Reporting and Data Warehouse code Publicly Visible

In partnership with Amplify, Smarter Balanced is pleased to release source code to the Reporting and Data Warehouse system.

Source code is made publicly available for examination only. Only Smarter Balanced, its members, and contractors thereof are licensed to deploy the code operationally. An open source license is expected in August 2016. Please see the associated for details.

23 Dec 2015: RFP for enhancements to the Smarter Balanced Open Source Reporting and Data Warehouse System

Smarter Balanced - UCLA has posted an RFP for Enhancements to the Open Source Reporting and Data Warehouse. Similar to the Test Delivery System RFP, our goal is to create a compelling open source reporting solution for Smarter Balanced members that is also applicable to many other assessments. The RFP includes data import flexibility, customization, and applicability to additional assessments and subjects beyond ELA and Mathematics.

Interested parties should browse to the University of California Public Bid Site and search for “Smarter Balanced Reporting”.

Don’t miss the RFP for the Test Delivery System that was posted yesterday. And, Happy Holidays to you and yours!

22 Dec 2015: RFP for enhancements to the Smarter Balanced Open Source Test Delivery System

Smarter Balanced - UCLA has posted an RFP for Enhancements to the Open Source Test Delivery System. This update is targeted at the 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 school years. The goal is to create a compelling open source testing solution for Smarter Balanced members that is also applicable to many other assessments. The RFP includes much greater scalability, new accessibility features, and updates to the assessment item format. Interested parties should browse to the University of California Public Bid Site and search for “Smarter Balanced”.

Stay tuned, more RFP news will be posted soon!

10 Dec 2015: Digital Library Sample Module

Smarter Balanced has posted a Sample Instructional Module to accompany the Instructions for Building Instructional Modules for the Digital Library

16 Nov 2015: Secure Browsers RFP Release

Smarter Balanced has released an open RFP for Secure Browsers for the 2016-2017 school year. Click here to access the University of California Public Bid Site and search for “Secure Browser” or “Smarter Balanced”. The opportunity number is “RFP-2015-04-MMAC0-0288”. Note that the description of the RFP currently indicates the “2015-2016 school year”. That will be corrected shortly. Please register with the site in order to be notified about answers to questions or any amendments to the RFP.

12 Nov 2015: Administration and Registration Tools Release 72

Smarter Balanced and the American Institutes for Research have released a software update to the Administration and Registration tools. This Release 72 includes the ability to customize accessibility feature availability by subject and grade. It also allows for multiple non-embedded designated supports. The included configuration file includes recommended feature settings for Smarter Balanced testing in 2015-2016.

29 Oct 2015: Test Results Data and Test Packages

Today we have made the following updates on SmarterApp.

02 Oct 2015: Test Results Data and Test Packages

Today we have posted three new and updated documents on SmarterApp.

10 Sep 2015: Procurement News and Sample Code

Over the next couple of months, Smarter Balanced will releasing RFPs for several enhancements to the technology platform. We have obtained permission to announce the opening of RFPs on this news feed. The official announcements will be on the UCLA Purchasing website and we will link to those announcements. If you received this announcement by email or RSS then you will get procurement news the same way. Otherwise, we encourage you to subscribe using the formlet in the upper-right of the home page.

Smarter Balanced has posted sample code for securely hashing student IDs into AlternateSSIDs. This approach is suitable for meeting Smarter Balanced requirements while preserving student privacy.

26 Aug 2015: Test Results Data Model

Smarter Balanced has posted one new specification and two sets of sample data on

17 Jun 2015: Item Response Format Specification

Smarter Balanced has posted four new specifications and one update on

23 Apr 2015: Item Response Format Specification

The SmarterApp Item Response Format Specification has been released on Also, posted is an update to the Source Code and Content License Memo.

15 Apr 2015: Issues Management - Getting Started

The Getting Started guide for SmarterApp Issues Management has been posted in the Deployment section of This offers guidance on how to report bugs and enhancement requests regarding SmarterApp software.

30 Mar 2015: User Guides and Manuals

A new Manuals and User Guides section has been added to to make it easier to find the user guides that correspond to SmarterApp software applications. Seven user guides that were previously posted in the Specifications section have been moved into the new Manuals section.

The Test Administrator User Guide Template was added to the Manuals section. Most of the state assessment service providers have already customized this user guide to their particular states’ needs and distributed it. The template is posted as a generic reference and as a basis for future customization.

17 Mar 2015: Training Materials, Braille Fixed Form, and Updated Scoring Specifications

Smarter Balanced posted three documents associated with the 2015 test administration:

05 Mar 2015: iPad Guidelines

Smarter Balanced has posted Guidelines for the Configuration of iPads During Smarter Balanced Testing. These are the same guidelines that were sent out to Smarter Balanced States and Service Providers on 26 February 2015.

28 Feb 2015: Reporting Guides

Newly added to SmarterApp are the User Guide for the Reporting System and an update to the Reporting and Data Warehouse Roles.

06 Feb 2015: Online Dictionary

Newly added to SmarterApp are Guidelines for access to the Merriam-Webster online dictionaries licensed for use in Smarter Balanced assessments.

28 Jan 2015: Reporting Roles and More

A new specification on SmarterApp describes the Security Roles for Data Warehouse and Reporting. The Test Results Transmission Format includes an updated XSD schema and sample test results. The new Test Score Batcher API specification describes the API for submitting test results to the data warehouse. And a number of other Data Warehouse Specifications have been updated.

17 Jan 2015: Three New Docs, One New Application, and Four Updates

Today Smarter Balanced has posted three new documents, added source code for a new application, and updated four specifications on

03 Jan 2015: Item Layouts Guide

The Item Layouts Guide has been posted in specifications.

02 Jan 2015: Test Integration Source and User Guides

The source code to the Test Integration System has been released on GitHub and a link has been posted on the SmarterApp Source Code Page.

User Guides to four Shared Services components have been posted:

23 Dec 2014: Implementation Readiness Package and Scoring Specs

A Preliminary Edition of the Implementation Readiness Package has been posted including data and standards required to validate a Smarter Balanced test delivery platform.

The Test Scoring Specification describe the formulas to be used to calculate an overall scale score for a test from the individual item scores.

23 Dec 2014: Dictionary And Items

Two new documents and one update have been posted on SmarterApp.

The Dictionary API includes links to the API and guidelines on dictionary use as an Accessibility Feature.

The Questions and Answers includes answers to 13 new questions addressed in the December deployment meeting.

Item counts for the 2014/2015 interim assessments have been posted.

20 Dec 2014: Sample Item Responses

The Smarter Balanced Practice and Training Tests have been updated to include item scoring rubrics.

For those that have access to the Secure FTP site, the Interim Comprehensive Tests have also been updated.

19 Dec 2014: Sample Item Responses

A set of Sample Item Responses have been posted to prepare for hand scoring of items.

17 Dec 2014: New Deployment Section, Cut Scores, and More

The SmarterApp site has been augmented with a new Deployment section for documents associated with deployment of the tools for the Smarter Balanced assessments. Seven existing documents including the Questions and Answers from the monthly implementation calls have been moved to the new section.

The Smarter Balanced Cut Scores, have been posted in the Deployment section. These are the scale score values that distinguish between the four achievement levels in each tested grade.

The Implementation Readiness Package has been updated to reflect important design decisions. In particular, the work is divided into multiple phases and the tools and tests in the package are designed to work well with all Smarter Balanced deployments whether or not they are based on the open source applications.

Finally, the Test Results Transmission Format specification was updated with a sample output that better reflects the reporting of accommodations.

11 Dec 2014: Feed Restored

There was been a problem with the RSS Feed and the corresponding email subscription that prevented the last SmarterApp update, from December 6th, from being distributed. The problem has been fixed. Please check out for the latest updates.

06 Dec 2014: Four Specifications and Updated Q&A

Three new specifications have been posted and one has been updated:

Also, the Implementation Questions and Answers have been updated based on information presented in the November 25 implementation meeting.

25 Nov 2014: Item Packaging and Item Metadata

Three updates today! The Assessment Item Packaging specification has been posted. The Item Metadata specification has been updated and is now in Acceptance Candidate status. And the The Practice and Training Tests have been moved to an public FTP server to facilitate downloading without the use of an FTP client.

17 Nov 2014: Complete Practice and Training Tests

The The Complete Practice and Training Tests have been posted. These include Practice Tests for grades 3-8 and High School plus Training Tests in three grade bands.

27 Oct 2014: ART Upload Formats and Item Metadata Draft

The The ART File Upload Format Specification has been upgraded to “Accepted” status. The review process resulted in no material changes from the previous draft.

The The SmarterApp Assessment Item Metadata Specification has been posted with draft status.

07 Oct 2014: Hand Scoring Rules and ART User Guide

The Smarter Balanced Hand Scoring Rules are now available to guide states and the vendors that will serve them.

The Administration and Registration Tools (ART) User Guide has also been posted.

01 Oct 2014: Source Code Release

After two years, many developers, and countless hours of design and development we’re excited to announce the first major source code release. On the SmarterApp Source Page we list 25 components of the test delivery system. Each includes a link to the associated code repositories. Other components will be released in the next three months. Many thanks to all who have contributed to the architecture specifications and development of this code.

30 Sep 2014: 25 New Questions Answered

The Questions and Answers Regarding Smarter Balanced Assessments have been updated with 25 more questions and answers that have been recently submitted by states and assessment vendors.

Also, the Technical Systems Documentation for the Digital Library have been posted. Smarter Balanced will continue to host the digital library on behalf of member states so the primary purpose of this posting is for other organizations who wish to launch their own digital library.

25 Sep 2014: Data Warehouse Docs and Practice Test Packages

On Friday, September 25 we posted nine new documents associated with the Data Warehouse and Reporting system. These include data format specifications, a deployment guide, system architecture, and data model.

Also posted is the Practice Test Package which includes test definitions for the four High School Practice Tests and a content package including all items in those four tests.

23 Sep 2014: Test Results Format

The Smarter Balanced Test Results Transmission Format specification has been updated and accepted. It contains everything about a student’s test event including questions presented, student responses, item scores, test scores, and accessibility features used.

16 Sep 2014: Smarter Balanced Implementation Readiness Package

A new document explaining the Smarter Balanced Assessment Delivery Implementation Readiness Package has been posted.

11 Sep 2014: SmarterApp Search Bar and Scoring Rubrics

Due to the accumulation of documents on we have added a search bar. It simply leverages Google site: search but it’s an effective solution. You’ll find the search bar at the top of each page.

A new memo explaining the Smarter Balanced format for scoring rubrics has been posted.

03 Sep 2014: Assessment System Architecture Updated

The final draft of the Smarter Balanced Assessment Item Format has been posted on This release contains complete information about all Smarter Balanced assessment item types. Following editorial and technical review the document will be released as an approved specification.

08 Aug 2014: Assessment System Architecture Updated

Three new documents have been posted on

21 Jul 2014: Technology Implementation, Secure Browser, and Open Source

Three important new documents have been posted on

07 Jun 2014: TRT Source Code and Assessment Item Format Update

We are excited to announce the first source code component to be posted on The Technology Readiness Tool (TRT) is a project commissioned in 2012 by Smarter Balanced and PARCC and developed by Pearson. Details are on the SmarterApp Source Code Page.

In other news, the SmarterApp Assessment Item Format preview has been updated and is nearing completion.

20 May 2014: Assessment Item Format Updated

Two important new documents have been posted on the SmarterApp Specifications page and the experimental “SmarterApp Lab” section has been added.

22 Apr 2014: Assessment Item Format Updated

The Smarter Balanced Assessment Item Format has been updated. It is still preview status but includes important new information.

11 Apr 2014: Two New Documents Posted on

Two important new documents have been posted on the Specifications page:

07 Apr 2014: Smarter Balanced Profile of IMS APIP Task Force

IMS Global has formed a task force to develop a Smarter Balanced profile for IMS APIP. The task force met for the first time on April 3 and will meet regularly until the profile is complete. This is an important step in the Smarter Balanced commitment to make all assessment items available in the IMS APIP format.

28 Mar 2014: Specification Standards and Content Licenses

Three new documents have been posted on the SmarterApp Specifications page:

22 Mar 2014: SmarterApp is on GitHub

SmarterApp will be using GitHub as the source code repository for all applications. As a starting point, the source to website itself has been moved to GitHub Pages using Jekyll. Take a look at the SmarterApp repository there. You can even help build enhancements to the site.

Also, you can now subscribe to SmarterApp news by Feed or Email.

10 Mar 2014: Hosting Requirements

Hosting requirements and cost calculator have been added to the Specifications page.

05 Mar 2014: SmarterApp Launch launched. Preview editions of the SmarterApp Assessment Item Format Specification and sample encoded items from the Smarter Balanced Training Test are now available on the Specifications page.

As of Fall 2018 the Smarter Balanced Test Delivery System (TDS) is no longer supported.

The code base and documentation for the TDS is available within the Smarter Balanced GitHub repository.

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