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NOTE: Development on a new site for SmarterApp content is underway! With the new site, we will begin transitioning SmarterApp resources into an easier-to-use, accessible interface.

Only SmarterApp content updated in 2020 and after should be considered current and accurate. If you plan to use, are looking for specific information, or have any questions about content on this site, please contact us at

Procurement News and Sample Code
Sep 10, 2015

Over the next couple of months, Smarter Balanced will releasing RFPs for several enhancements to the technology platform. We have obtained permission to announce the opening of RFPs on this news feed. The official announcements will be on the UCLA Purchasing website and we will link to those announcements. If you received this announcement by email or RSS then you will get procurement news the same way. Otherwise, we encourage you to subscribe using the formlet in the upper-right of the home page.

Smarter Balanced has posted sample code for securely hashing student IDs into AlternateSSIDs. This approach is suitable for meeting Smarter Balanced requirements while preserving student privacy.

As of Fall 2018 the Smarter Balanced Test Delivery System (TDS) is no longer supported.

The code base and documentation for the TDS is available within the Smarter Balanced GitHub repository.

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