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Only SmarterApp content updated in 2020 and after should be considered current and accurate. If you plan to use, are looking for specific information, or have any questions about content on this site, please contact us at

Specifications and Related Documents
Name Date Status Version Description
ISAAP Accessibility Feature Codes
27 Jun 2024 Release

Defines the encoding of an Individual Student Assessment Accessibility Profile (ISAAP) including the specific codes used to designate each accessibility feature that should be made available to a student. Also codes for indicating the delivery of each feature during a test event.

QTI 3.0 Certification Set
08 Aug 2023 Release 5.0

Certification set of Math and ELA items in QTI 3.0 format. Included is the Smarter Balanced Implementation Guide.

QTI 3.0 Response Format
14 Mar 2022 Release 1.0

Sample SAAIF to QTI 3 mapping of the response format intended for the Reporting System TRT (test results transmission) format.

Test Results Transmission Format Specifications
09 Apr 2021 Accepted, Updated

This is the format in which test results are transmitted from the test delivery system to the data warehouse and reporting system. It contains everything about a student’s test event including questions presented, student responses, item scores, test scores, and accessibility features used. Data archives will be preserved in this format to enable future analytics and to preserve all information about a test event.

Version 3.0 includes annual updates including clarifications, summative and interium WER score updates, summative and interim condition code updates, clarifying ISO date standards, and more. View the revision history in the document for a complete description of the updates.
Version 2.1 includes updates to the language codes and ELA claims and target identifier formats
Version 2.0 includes major updates to definitions, requirements, acceptable values, and the layout of the document.

UEB Braille Transition - Technical Framework
31 Jul 2020 Approved

Specifies the technical framework to support both EBAE braille and UEB braille during the transition from EBAE to UEB. Includes definitions of the braille code types, the associated ISAAP Codes and the corresponding augmentation of assessment items in SmarterApp Assessment Item Format.

SmarterApp Assessment Item Format
17 Jun 2020 Public Release 1.2

The encoding format for assessment items supported by the SmarterApp assessment suite. This version is the final draft and contains complete information about all Smarter Balanced assessment item types. Nevertheless, this draft has not yet been approved and remains subject to change. Note that this is one of two formats that will be exportable from the item bank. For details, see the Smarter Balanced Assessment Item Format Brief.

Item Response Samples
13 Nov 2019 Preview

This Item Response Samples is currently being updated. Please check back soon.

If you require information related to this topic, please contact us at

Item Response Format
13 Nov 2019 Public Release 1.0

This Item Response Format is currently being updated. Please check back soon.

If you require information related to this topic, please contact us at

Implementation Readiness - Test Packages
13 Nov 2019 Public Release

The page is currently being updated. Please check back soon.

If you require information related to this topic, please contact us at

Smarter Balanced Implementation Readiness Package
09 Oct 2019 Public Release

The implementation readiness package is currently being updated. Please check back soon.

If you require information related to this topic, please content us at

Test Results - Data Dictionary and Logical Data Model
15 Sep 2019 Approved

This specification defines the Data Dictionary and Logical Data Model for SmarterApp test results. This logical model is common for multiple data serialization formats including the Test Results Transmission Format the Data Warehouse Data Specification for Student Assessments and the Data Warehouse Data Specification for Item Level Data. The specification includes cross-references to these serialization formats and to the Common Education Data Standards.

Please consult the Change Log at the beginning of the document for a summary of changes in each update.

Enhanced Test Administration Package Format
22 Mar 2019 Draft

The Enhanced Test Administration Package replaces the four previous test packages: Registration, Administration, Scoring, and Reporting. It contains all of the information necessary to present and score a test minus the test items themselves. The package is an XML file containing the following information:

  • Test ID
  • Test Name
  • Blueprint
  • Scoring Model
  • Test Parts, Segments, and Segment Forms
  • Test Item Metadata

The test administration package is paired with the test content package which contains the actual test items.

The enhanced test administration XSD file is at:

Content Specification ID Formats
20 Jul 2018 Draft

A description of the Enhanced Content Specification ID Format and how to interpret the elements within the IDs. Includes a data dictionary of the elements. Appendices describe the Legacy Content ID format and provide reference tables for converting from Enhanced to Legacy format.

Braille Transcripts IR Test Package
14 Jul 2017 Release

All the documents, demo website, and QA guidelines to insure a reliable implementation of the Braille Transcripts functionality in any Test Delivery System is located here.

Smarter Balanced Test Delivery Hosting Requirements
10 Jul 2017 Release v4

Requirements for hosting the Open Licensed version of the Smarter Balanced Test Delivery System. Updated June 2016.

Student API Specification
03 May 2017 Release 1.0

An API that allows student records to be created, updated, and deleted in the Administration and Registration Tools (ART). This API is externally available and requires authentication via OAuth 2.0. Student data can be submitted individually or via job batches that are processed asynchronously.

Illustration Glossary IRP Test Package
27 Feb 2017 Release

All the documents, demo website, and QA guidelines to insure a reliable implementation of the Illustration Glossary functionality in any Test Delivery System is located here.

Item Packaging Specification
16 Feb 2017 Acceptance Candidate

This specification covers the particular details how SmarterApp assessment items are packaged. It is an application of the IMS Content Packaging standard.

SmarterApp Web Diagnostic API
16 Feb 2017 Release

A common API for diagnostics of SmarterApp web applications. The API is used to assure that installation is correct, that configuration is valid, that the system is operational, and that all communication channels are functioning properly. When a diagnostic fails, it offers details that help systems administrators quickly diagnose and correct problems. The diagnostic API is also an appropriate endpoint for monitoring and alerting systems.

Open Source Secure Browser Requirements
10 Nov 2016 Release

Platform requirements for the Open Source Secure Browsers. Member service providers may support a different set of platforms and third party secure browsers may also be supported by your test delivery system.

Accessibility Configuration File Specification
10 Nov 2016 Draft

The Accessibility Configuration File is shared among SmarterApp applications and provides a common description of the accessibility features. This allows changes to feature availability and policy without modifications to the assessment software other than the implementation of new features in the test delivery system. This specification defines the structure and content of the configuration file.

Item Types and Accessibility Features
02 Nov 2016 Release

A summary description of all item types and embedded accessibility features used in Smarter Balanced assessments.

Data Warehouse Data Specification - Student Assessments
01 Aug 2016 Release

This is the format specification for student assessment data which is transmitted in bulk from a source system to the SFTP Landing Zone of the Data Warehouse.

Data Warehouse Data Specification - Score Batching
01 Aug 2016 Release

This is the format specification describing the required input to the Test Score Batching system, which takes XML input from a Test Integrator component and feeds the appropriate data into the Data Warehouse.

Data Warehouse - Data Model
01 Aug 2016 Release

This describes the data model & schema employed by the Smarter Balanced Data Warehouse.

Data Warehouse - Runbook
01 Aug 2016 Release

This is a runbook intended for system administrators who will deploy and operate an instance of the Smarter Balanced Data Warehouse and Reporting System. This document is valid for the RFP-15 Milestone 5, released on 8/5/14 and will be updated upon the release of RFP-15 Milestone 6.

Version 1.1 includes information on Amazon Web Services (AWS) and other dependencies

Smarter Balanced Test Delivery Hosting Cost Calculator
10 Jul 2016 Release v4

A spreadsheet to accompany the hosting requirements document to assist in the estimation of hosting costs. Updated June 2016.

Scoring Test Package Specification
07 Jun 2016 Release 1.0

The purpose of this document is to provide a format specification describing the Scoring Test Package for the Test Delivery System (TDS). This package defines the scoring rules and performance levels for a test and is used within the Test Integration System (TIS).

Reporting Test Package Specification
07 Jun 2016 Release 1.0

The purpose of this document is to provide a format specification describing the Reporting Test Package for the Test Delivery System (TDS). This package was originally intended for use in the Dataware and Reporting application; however, the Reporting application defined a custom configuration file format.

Registration Test Package Specification
07 Jun 2016 Release 1.0

The purpose of this document is to provide a format specification describing the Registration Test Package for the Test Delivery System (TDS). This package defines the test and is used within the Test Specification Bank (TSB) and ultimately in the Administration and Registration Tools (ART).

Administration Test Package Specification
07 Jun 2016 Release 1.0

The purpose of this document is to provide a format specification describing the Administration Test Package for the Test Delivery System (TDS). This package defines the test and is used to load the test into TDS and the Test Integration System (TIS).

Item Metadata Specification
26 May 2016 Acceptance Candidate

A comprehensive specification of all possible metadata fields used for SmarterApp assessment items and stimuli.

Administration and Registration Tool - File Upload Formats
15 Apr 2016 Accepted

The Smarter Balanced Administration and Registration Tool (ART) is used for registering users and students, for editing and verifying those registrations, for assigning privileges to users, and for administering test events. This document specifies the bulk upload formats that are used by the ART tool including provisioning user accounts and registering students.

IRP Cross Reference
24 Mar 2016 Preliminary

A listing of items contained in the IRP, cross referenced with their counterpart in the Practice and Training test packages. The cross reference includes the location of the item within the Practice and Training test for lookup within a browser.

Digital Library Instructional Module Technical Documentation
10 Dec 2015 Draft 0.5

Describes the packaging format and technical specifications for building instructional modules for the Digital Library.

Also download the Sample Instructional Module.

Sample Test Results in TRT Format
26 Aug 2015 Release

These are a set of test results in Test Results Transmission Format. They were used during integration testing between the test delivery system and the data warehouse and reporting system. They are suitable for development and testing of data conversion, import, analytics, and reporting systems. The test results are for simulated students and do not contain any real student data.

Test Condition Codes
17 Jun 2015 Proposed

This specification introduces two new test condition fields: validity and completeness. Definitions of the fields, acceptable values, and rules for deriving their values when not provided are included.

Secure Browser Session Launch Protocol
17 Jun 2015 Draft

The specification for launching a secure browser and initiating a session with the appropriate test delivery server URL without requiring pre-configuration of the secure browser. It is an enhancement to existing SmarterApp secure browsers and associated protocols. Currently a draft, feedback regarding this specification is appreciated.

High School Test Results - Data Dictionary
17 Jun 2015 Proposed

This is the data dictionary for high school test results. Colleges and universities use this data for student placement purposes. Click here to download simulated student data in CSV format that matches the data dictionary.

Source Code and Content Licenses
23 Apr 2015 Release

Describes the licenses under which Smarter Balanced and SmarterApp will distribute Source Code, Specifications, and Documentation.

Data Warehouse - Technical Architecture
28 Jan 2015 Draft

This is a document which outlines the technical architecture of the Smarter Balanced Reporting and Data Warehouse systems.

Data Warehouse Data Specification - Score Batcher API
23 Jan 2015 Release

This document describes the test score batching API. It’s a complement to the Test Score Batcher and the Test Results Transmission Format specifications which describe the file format accepted by the batching API.

Data Warehouse Data Specification - Item Level
23 Jan 2015 Draft

This is the format specification for each assessment record containing the set of responses that the student submitted to the items they were presented, which is stored separately for external analysis.

Digital Library Technical Systems Documentation
17 Jan 2015 Release Rel 1.35, Ver 1.4

This document outlines the infrastructure, technology, and data model used to develop the Digital Library as of Release 1.35 (released to production on 08/01/14). This incorporates the updates as of the end of December 2014.

Smarter Balanced will continue to host the digital library on behalf of member states so the primary purpose of this posting is for other organizations who wish to launch their own digital library.

Digital Library Performance Test Runbook
17 Jan 2015 Release Rel 1.35, Ver 1.4

The set of performance tests that were specified and run on the Digital Library.

Item Layouts and Answer Variations Guide
03 Jan 2015 2014-12-03

Item Layouts determine the orientation of the stimulus and the items as they appear in the Test Delivery System. This guide describes the layout options and how they should govern test item appearance.

Dictionary API
23 Dec 2014 Preliminary

Smarter Balanced has licensed the Merriam Webster dictionaries for use as a testing support. This document links to the dictionary APIs and gives guidelines on their use.

Item Scoring Custom Operators
06 Dec 2014 Draft 0.2

SmarterApp Assessment Item Format assessment items are scored using rubrics encoded in IMS QTI Response Processing Format. Custom operators, defined in this document, support scoring of advanced item types such as Equations, and Graphic Response Items.

Core Standards API
06 Dec 2014 Accepted 1.0

The Core Standards service provides data-level access to the standards on which the assessments are based including the Common Core State Standards and the Smarter Balanced Test Blueprint.

Data Warehouse Data Specification - Student Registration
25 Sep 2014 Draft

This is the format specification for student registration data which comes from the Test Registration and Administration tool and feeds into the Data Warehouse via the SFTP Landing Zone. This document is valid for the RFP-15 Milestone 5, released on 8/5/14 and will be updated upon the release of RFP-15 Milestone 6.

Data Warehouse - Security Overview
25 Sep 2014 Draft

This is a document which outlines the security considerations, security layers, and data protection employed by the Smarter Balanced Reporting and Data Warehouse systems. This document is valid for the RFP-15 Milestone 5, released on 8/5/14 and will be updated upon the release of RFP-15 Milestone 6.

Data Warehouse - Developer Guide
25 Sep 2014 Draft

This is a guide intended to support developers who wish to stand up development environments and maintain or enhance the Smarter Balanced Reporting component. This document is valid for the RFP-15 Milestone 5, released on 8/5/14 and will be updated upon the release of RFP-15 Milestone 6.

Machine Scoring Rubric Memo
11 Sep 2014 Release

A short memo explaining the format to be used for machine scoring rubrics for items encoded in the SmarterApp Assessment Item Format.

Smarter Balanced Technology Implementation Readiness
21 Jul 2014 Release

This brief supersedes “Application Deployment and Technology Certification.” States are responsible for deploying and operating the assessment delivery system, which is the central component in the overall Smarter Balanced assessment platform. In many cases, states will contract for system services. This brief describes the entire Smarter Balanced assessment platform, the components for which states will be responsible, and the resources that will be made available to support deployment and readiness evaluation of each state’s assessment delivery system.

Secure Browser Requirements and Specifications
18 Jul 2014 Preview

Smarter Balanced relies on a Secure Browser to secure students’ testing devices during test administration. Smarter Balanced will supply secure browsers for prominent devices and operating systems in ready-to-install and open source forms. This document lists the requirements and specifications for secure browsers. Additional devices can be supported through the implementation of secure browsers according to these specifications.

Memo - Open Source Test Administration
14 Jul 2014 Release

This memo from Smarter Balanced leadership summarizes the commitment of Smarter Balanced to the open source test delivery solution.

Smarter Balanced Adaptive Algorithm Summary
20 May 2014 Release

A simplified summary of the Smarter Balanced adaptive algorithm. See the full adaptive algorithm for details on how the full algorithm functions.

Smarter Balanced Adaptive Algorithm
20 May 2014 Release

The Adaptive Algorithm describes how assessment items are selected to present to students during the administration of a Computer Adaptive Test. This preview release should be considered in conjunction with the Smarter Balanced Test Blueprints

A detail remaining to be added before is rules that govern inclusion of blueprint-aligned items from up to two grade levels below or above grade level for substantially low- and high-performing students, respectively. The rules will still require the assessment to follow an on-grade blueprint, and will not increase overall test length.

AIR Open License
28 Mar 2014 Release

This is the license under which source code to the Test Delivery System will be released. The Test Delivery System is a central component in the Smarter Balanced platform and is being built for Smarter Balanced by the American Institutes for Research (AIR).

Smarter Balanced Data Format Specification Standards
24 Mar 2014 Release

Standards for the writing of specifications for data formats and data interchange protocols. All specifications being developed for Smarter Balanced should meet these requirements before they are approved.

Sample Assessment Item Package
28 Feb 2014 Preview

A sample package of assessment items. This .zip file is organized according to the draft format for test packages and contains items encoded according to the SmarterApp Assessment Item Format. This is a complete set of items from the Smarter Balanced Training Test which may be accessed here. By comparing the encoded items with the corresponding items in the Training Test you can get an example of item rendering and student interaction. The package is approximately 140MB in size. A download manager may be useful for slower or less reliable connections. The file organization and data formats are subject to change. The metadata file format has already been revised since this package was created.

Smarter Balanced Assessment Item Format Brief
25 Nov 2013 Release

This brief explains the two assessment item formats that will be generated by the Smarter Balanced Assessment System.

Smarter Balanced Position Regarding Patent 8303309
19 Nov 2013 Release

The Smarter Balanced position regarding patent number 8303309 awarded to Measured Progress. Note that Measured Progress also offers a free RAND-Z license to qualified applications.

As of Fall 2018 the Smarter Balanced Test Delivery System (TDS) is no longer supported.

The code base and documentation for the TDS is available within the Smarter Balanced GitHub repository.

Creative Commons License Unless stated otherwise, all content on is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.