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Machine Scoring Rubrics
2014-09-11 | memo

Draft specifications for the SmarterApp Assessment Item Format are available on However, these specifications and examples do not yet include machine scoring rubrics.

Machine scored items in the Smarter Balanced assessment will be scored by rubrics encoded in IMS QTI Response Processing format, augmented by certain custom operators to support scoring of advanced interaction types. Scoring rubrics will be provided in separate XML files from the encoded items and included in the test package. To handle the full range of Smarter Balanced assessment item types, a QTI scoring engine will have to include the required custom operators.

Specifications for the scoring rubrics are under development and will be posted on in October 2014. The source code for the test delivery system to be posted on will include all of the custom operators and will be capable of scoring all machine-scored items in the Smarter Balanced item bank.

As of Fall 2018 the Smarter Balanced Test Delivery System (TDS) is no longer supported.

The code base and documentation for the TDS is available within the Smarter Balanced GitHub repository.

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