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NOTE: Development on a new site for SmarterApp content is underway! With the new site, we will begin transitioning SmarterApp resources into an easier-to-use, accessible interface.

Only SmarterApp content updated in 2020 and after should be considered current and accurate. If you plan to use, are looking for specific information, or have any questions about content on this site, please contact us at

Sample Assessment Item Package
Date:  Feb 28, 2014
Document:  Click Here
Status:  Preview

A sample package of assessment items. This .zip file is organized according to the draft format for test packages and contains items encoded according to the SmarterApp Assessment Item Format. This is a complete set of items from the Smarter Balanced Training Test which may be accessed here. By comparing the encoded items with the corresponding items in the Training Test you can get an example of item rendering and student interaction. The package is approximately 140MB in size. A download manager may be useful for slower or less reliable connections. The file organization and data formats are subject to change. The metadata file format has already been revised since this package was created.

As of Fall 2018 the Smarter Balanced Test Delivery System (TDS) is no longer supported.

The code base and documentation for the TDS is available within the Smarter Balanced GitHub repository.

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