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Assessment Package Types in the Smarter Balanced Distributions
2020-04-29 | 1.3

There are five types of assessment packages distributed by Smarter Balanced. These packages work in conjunction to inform the test delivery, scoring and reporting systems.

Test Packages

Smarter Balanced summative tests and interim comprehensive tests have two parts - a performance task and a general test. For summative tests the general test is computer adaptive and is generally referred to as the “CAT” segment. For these tests there are multiple test administration packages. Usually there is a selection of available performance tasks per grade and there is one administration package for each performance task. Then there is another performance task for the general test. Since one performance task and one general test are combined to generate a test score there is be one registration package, one scoring package, and one reporting package that correspond to the full set of administration packages for a particular grade and subject.

Tabulator Tools

Smarter Balanced has produced open source tabulator tools that extract some of the data from these packages into tabular form for analysis and planning purposes.

As of Fall 2018 the Smarter Balanced Test Delivery System (TDS) is no longer supported.

The code base and documentation for the TDS is available within the Smarter Balanced GitHub repository.

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