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How to Configure Universal Accommodations
2024-03-26 14:03:06 -0400 |

Configuring Universal Tools/Designated Supports/Accommodations for Specific Assessments and Segments

Accommodations, universal tools, and designated supports can be configured for specific segments or assessments. Test tool configurations are specific to assessment/segment ids, meaning that new versions of the same assessment id should inherit the configuration of the previous year. The three tables of concern are:

Test Tool Configuration Stored Procedures

The following stored procedures in the configs database can be used to configure assessments with predefined sets of test tools.

Please note that the “client name” is also referred to as the “publisher” in the test specification package. The assessment id is also known as the “test id” in both the TRT and the test specification package. The “test id” value is shared between different years and publication of the same test/assessment. These values can be found in the itembank.tblsetofadminsubjects and configs.client_testproperties tables.

Below is an example of setting up tools for a performance math exam with calculator, spanish, and braille enabled.

-- Disable sound check for MATH assessment
CALL configs.InsertGeneralTools('SBAC_PT', 'SBAC-Perf-MATH-11', 0);
CALL configs.InsertBrailleTools('SBAC_PT', 'SBAC-Perf-MATH-11');
CALL configs.InsertSpanishTool('SBAC_PT', 'SBAC-Perf-MATH-11');
-- Calculator only included in the second segment
CALL configs.InsertCalculatorTool('SBAC_PT', 'SBAC-SEG2-MATH-11', 11, 1);

Specific test tool types can be easily removed after the execution of the insert scripts. For example, of we wanted to disable the “Masking” tool, we’d execute the following statement to remove the testtooltype, which would also result in a cascade delete to the client_testtool and client_tooldependencies:

    clientname = 'SBAC_PT' 
    AND context = 'SBAC-ELA-7' 
    AND toolname = 'Masking';`

NOTE - After making any test tool changes, be sure to flush the redis cache and restart student pods to clear all possible caching.

Example test tool seed data can be found in the TDS_TestDeliverySystemDataAccess github repository.

back to TDS Configuration Tasks

As of Fall 2018 the Smarter Balanced Test Delivery System (TDS) is no longer supported.

The code base and documentation for the TDS is available within the Smarter Balanced GitHub repository.

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