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How to Chanage Assessment Segment Entry/Exit Approval
2024-03-26 14:03:06 -0400 |

Enabling Segment Entry/Exit Approval

Segment entry/exit approval is disabled by default for all segments. When enabled, a student will need to be approved by a proctor before entering or exiting the segment. Segment entry/exit approval can be enabled for a particular segment by taking the following actions:

  1. Update the entryapproval or exitapproval flag for the particular segment id

UPDATE configs.client_segmentproperties
SET entryapproval = 1
WHERE segmentid = '[segment id]';

  1. Flush the redis cache

back to TDS Configuration Tasks

As of Fall 2018 the Smarter Balanced Test Delivery System (TDS) is no longer supported.

The code base and documentation for the TDS is available within the Smarter Balanced GitHub repository.

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