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Build Proctor Docker Image
2024-03-26 14:03:06 -0400 |

Proctor Image

TDS Environment Setup/Deployment

DB setup

The assumption is that one has already followed the necessary steps to stand up a DB server covered in previous deployment checklist items.  However, there are some new schemas and tables that are required for the deployment.  Within the file there is a db directory with two SQL scripts that can be used to create application tables.

  1. Log into the TDS database
  2. Run the exam_create_schema.sql
    • This will create the exam database with the appropriate tables
    • The user that you want the application to use should have read and write abilities on these tables.
  3. Run the exam_audit_create_schema.sql
    • This will create the exam_audit database with the appropriate tables
    • The user that you want the application to use should have read and write abilities on these tables.
  4. The user that you want the application should have the following DB access
    • Write access: exam, exam_audit, and session database
    • Read access: itembank, configs database

EC2 Container Service

Create EC2 Container Repositories to host Proctor Docker images (separate one for each) containing the SAML and security information.

S3 Configuration for Items

The item scoring functionality requires items and stimuli to be stored on S3 so that regardless of the number of exam microservices they all share the same item and stimuli. The following section lists the steps to create and set up an S3 bucket. This section does assume that you have an AWS account with the ability to create buckets on s3.

Uploading Items and Stimuli to S3

Create a bucket that will house the items.  We also suggest creating a folder within that bucket to isolate the items and stimuli for that deployment.

For example, the bucket can be tds-resources with a folder uat


Build Proctor Docker image

  1. Clone (git) Proctor master branch : git clone
  2. Ensure that you are using the proper tag.
  3. Change directory to the proctor directory (cd proctor)
  4. Run mvn clean install -DskipTests in the cloned project’s proctor directory. 
  5. Get yourself a Proctor SAML xml metadata file and associated keystore *.jks file.
  6. Put the metadata file and keystore in /opt/sbtds/deploy/resources/security
  7. Run mvn docker:build 
  8. Tag the docker image that was just built with the Proctor EC2 Repository you created earlier.  
    • Run docker images to find the IMAGE ID for what was just built.
    • Run docker tag <IMAGE ID> <PROCTOR EC2 Repository>:latest
    • Example: docker tag 7b6edb762795
  9. Run eval $(aws ecr get-login)
  10. Run docker push <PROCTOR EC2 Repository>:latest

back to Deployment Checklists

As of Fall 2018 the Smarter Balanced Test Delivery System (TDS) is no longer supported.

The code base and documentation for the TDS is available within the Smarter Balanced GitHub repository.

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